I understand what a nervous time this is for all of us, especially those who like me, have underlying conditions, as well as the elderly and those in the medical profession. Here is my top 10 list for surviving both mentally and physically over the next few months.
In these scary times, here are 10 tips for staying sane through it all
1. Don’t watch the news or check out social media posts focusing on all of this for too long. Knowledge is power but overexposure leads to fear, misinformation and insanity. Also, there are a lot of scams, myths, fake tests, and “cures” being shared about COVID- 19 S and L. Don’t believe them – “experts” online often are not real experts. Check out the Center for Disease Control (CDC) site or talk to your physician’s office if you have questions.

2. Wash your hands with soap, scrubbing between your fingers and nails. Sing happy birthday to yourself twice while you’re doing it but don’t do it aloud as people might think you’re going crazy. I mean you might be, but who knows?
3. Isolating yourself and your family from everyone when possible is a good idea. I have recently decided not to go to the gym until this crisis is averted. I’ll work out and run at home.
4. Stop hoarding toilet paper. I’m being selfish here. I need my two-ply Charmin available to me.
5. If you have children, teach them what to do but don’t scare them. They take the lead from you. If you see them doing something extra sanitary, applaud them on it. Let them know you’ve noticed and you appreciate it.
6. The elbow tap is the newest thing. Don’t shake hands right now. The elbow tap is much cooler. And wipe off foreign surfaces whenever possible.

7. If you have a disease like cystic fibrosis, try getting at least a month’s worth of meds and supplies in stock, 90 days if possible, just in case.
8. Keep exercising and eating healthy foods, and getting plenty of rest. If you catch anything, these things will make sure you’re in the best shape possible going into it. Sleeping is when your body reenergizes and builds immunity. I’m trying to drink lots of protein shakes and eat fruits like bananas and grapes.
9. If you like humor, don’t ditch it now. Humor is always the best medicine. It’s something I’ve used most of my life and it keeps me sane.
10. If you have a therapist or psychiatrist, ask them if it’s okay to do virtual meetings or phone calls for sanity’s sake. And don’t forget calling or texting your friends and family. Don’t avoid people completely. That’s just not healthy. We are social animals and need socializing for wellbeing. Just do it from a distance.
Don’t panic! If everyone follows the instructions given by medical experts, we will get through this in a few months time.
Read more about my perspective on living in the Corona world.