The CF Warrior Project is more than a just a book series.
It’s a movement.
Living with cystic fibrosis requires fighting for every breath and working hard to survive as normally as possible. CF Warriors are not guaranteed a normal lifespan and having cystic fibrosis requires a passion for every moment on this earth, a daily determination to maintain health, and courage for striving to do things most of us take for granted.
Author and founder of the CF Warrior Project, Andy Lipman, does not just relate to stories of CF survivors. He is dedicated to finding a cure for this genetic disease. He and his family founded the Wish for Wendy Foundation in memory of his older sister, who died from CF only 16 days after she was born. As of 2019, the foundation has raised more than $4 million for cystic fibrosis research.
While The CF Warrior Project shares inspiring success stories through the books, it also helps CF Warriors by educating communities about this debilitating condition and supporting research that will one day lead to a cure. The CF Warrior Project also supports other resources that provide aid, equipment, therapy, community, and other support to CF Warriors, their families and supporters. Most importantly, it gives them hope and inspires a better quality of life. It helps CF Warriors thrive.
The CF Warrior Project book series shares the experiences of people who conquered Mount Everest; became a circus acrobat; received a lung transplant and ran a marathon a year later; and secured approval of breakthrough CF drugs. These people, from teenagers to septuagenarians, have accomplished amazing things. Each story has its own merits, but the common theme among them is how these CF Warriors maintain positive attitudes all while having a significant impact on the world, despite the challenges of their life-threatening genetic disorder.
The CF Warrior Project strives to empower those with CF and give them the strength to keep fighting, breathing, and supporting research for a cure to end cystic fibrosis. We want to share this project as a voice of hope and a reminder to CF Warriors that life is there for the taking!