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How to Pass Time with Family While Sheltering in Place

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How to Pass Time with Family While Sheltering in Place

I know it’s difficult right now thinking about the future, especially if you’re extroverted and want to get it out and have fun with your friends. These are trying times, so I’ve come up with a top-10 list of things to do that might help time go by more quickly.

10 Things to Help Pass Time with Family While Sheltering in Place

  1. First off, don’t watch the news too often. It’s overwhelming some days, and stress negatively impacts immunity levels, so limit exposure to stressful repetitive news. The numbers most likely will go up because there are more tests available for the coronavirus. In other words, it may not be spreading as much as it appears, and often it is more of a reiteration of earlier news in case you missed it. Watching a few times a day, like morning, maybe afternoon, and the evening will give you the updates you need. 
  2. Find a house errand that you’ve been putting off for months or even years and do it now. I’ve been working on moving around some of our stuff in storage and going through boxes from when we renovated our basement. I’ve been able to find some stuff that we’ve been looking for in the process. Andrea and I have been putting together stuff for our next garage sale. I say we call it the “Post-Corona Extravaganza!”
  3. Play games or do puzzles. Andrea is the queen of puzzles. We help her a little bit but she is amazing at them. She gets a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle done in a couple of days! The kids and I help a little with that, but it’s just a fun escape for all of us. We haven’t done any board games yet but I’m sure we will in time. 
  4. Watch movies. Is there a movie you’ve never seen that you wanted to? Here’s your chance. I have introduced Avery to a few movies I enjoyed growing up and she’s made me (I mean allowed me) watch some of hers. 
  5. Andrea and I are binge watching. We just finished Hunters on NetFlix. There were 10 episodes and we finished in about 3 days. On to the next one. Movie and TV series binging is another good option for stay-at-home entertainment.
  6. Work out. This sheltering at home is a great opportunity to work out more since the schedule is pretty empty. I’m running more than normal. I went from running 20 miles a week to 25. You can also do virtual classes which Andrea has done with her dance class. I’m working out with different routines and trying to eat better since I’m not going out to eat. Here are some in-home workout ideas!
  7. This is a great time to talk either with your significant other, your children, or just Facetiming or calling your friends. The kids, Andrea and I take the dogs out for walks and runs together. It’s very therapeutic even when we’re not having a conversation. Don’t forget the kids – virtual play dates are in style right now. They need social interaction, too.
  8. Enjoy social media—but be selective. This is a good time to read humorous posts but to avoid the ones that revolve around panic. Humor keeps you going. I remember when I was on IVs at home for five weeks. I did not want to dwell on the seriousness of life, so check out the more humorous or educational sites and avoid getting drawn into negative online conversations.
  9. Take some time to catch up on your reading. Pick out a book you never started or finished, or ask friends to suggest their favorite books. Haven’t read the CF Warrior Project book? Now is your chance!
  10. Keep a schedule, especially if you have children like me. Andrea and I have a schedule and we have a schedule for the kids as far as virtual learning goes. We also allow them a little more TV and video game time, so at least they feel like there are some perks to being in this situation.

These are just some ideas for passing time with family while sheltering in place and I hope they help you get through these hard times. And we will get through them. 

Live your dreams and love your life.
