COVID-19 is once again surging in the United States which means more quarantining for those of us who are at high risk. I thought this would be a good time to make a list of things to do to keep your sanity during this difficult time whether you have cystic fibrosis or any other medical condition. So without further ado, I bring you the top 10 ways to keep your “warrior mentality” during this pandemic:
10. Keep your perspective: Things could always be worse. When things seem to be falling apart, remember somewhere out there is someone who would trade places with you. Know that this difficult time is temporary and that things tend to even out. Things like COVID vaccines are on the horizon. Social distancing and wearing masks are more the norm now rather than the exception. We know a lot more about this virus than we did months ago. We are definitely in a much better position to get through this than we were when the pandemic started.
9. Try something new: Pick up a new hobby. Learn to play poker. Binge-watch some NetFlix shows. Invest in the stock market.
8. Keep a sense of humor: I have realized with cystic fibrosis that the more serious things become, the more my anxiety goes through the roof. That is why I try to answer that seriousness with humor. I think humor is undeniably the way I keep things together. Maybe it can work for you.
7. Exercise: Exercise is not only good for you physically, but it also helps you to release endorphins into your brain and therefore improve your mental state. I try to work out for 90 minutes per day including weights, jumping rope and running. Find what works for you. Maybe follow an online program or get a virtual coach.
6. Work on your Mental Health: Try meditation or confiding in others about things you are going through. If you are struggling, talk to someone whether it be a psychologist, a psychiatrist or just a member of your support system who you trust. Maybe you can get together with friends while practicing social distancing in your driveway.
5. Take a break from the news: I know we have a lot going on between COVID, politics and the craziness of 2020 but it’s critical that we don’t let the media consume us. Take breaks from the constant negativity. Go for walks. Read magazines. Play games. Talk to your family.
4. Take a break from social media: We have all seen those posts that make us want to tear our hair out. Sometimes just like the news, it’s good to just walk away and find things that make you happy. Keep in mind that social media is what people want you to hear and not necessarily what is actually going on.
3. Don’t judge: Try not to judge those who are weighing their risks differently as long as they are not putting others at risk. Everyone has their own level of risk tolerance.
2. Stay compliant with regards to your meds: Keep doing all of your treatments and/or taking your pills. Make sure you are talking to your doctors whether it’s a regular visit, a telemedicine visit or even just a phone call, text or e-mail. You are here for a reason. Keep taking care of yourself.
1. Weigh your risks and be willing to compromise with caution: There may be things you can do that are a tad higher than low-risk but if you are okay with the risk and you are not affecting anyone else then that may just work for you. Involve your family in the discussion so that everyone feels that they played a role in the decisions made. All I ask is that you please continue to wear a mask and social distance. It is making a difference.
Times are tough right now but I promise you that if each of us continues to wear masks, practice social distancing and repeatedly wash our hands when we make contact to foreign or unclean surfaces that someday soon this pandemic will be behind us.
Live your dreams and love your life,