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2019: A Special Year for CF Awareness

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This is a very special year for CF awareness. Not only is there a New York Times best-selling book (Five Feet Apart) and a blockbuster movie that which feature the disease, but there is another breakthrough drug that could come available by the end of the year. For the first time in my life, that breakthrough drug would finally affect my genotype.

Cystic fibrosis awareness month is an opportunity to spread the word about this disease and how far we have come in regards to breakthrough drugs and people living a lot longer. 

It’s also the opportunity to explain what the disease cystic fibrosis does to your body, as many people think it is only a lung disease.

Cystic fibrosis awareness month is an opportunity for people either with the disease or taking care of those with it to spread the word about the disease and help raise money to find a cure. 

It’s an opportunity for 70,000 people around the world to use their voices to make a difference so that CF will one day stand for cure found.

My hope is that The CF Warrior Project will help us raise awareness and lead us closer to a cure as well as people hope with regards to living with CF or any terminal disease.

I am looking forward to the next 31 days of raising awareness and hoping that one day there is no need for a month to recognize this disease because we will have cured it. 

Live your dreams and love your life.
