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Not About the Number of Years

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Life is not about quantity, nor is it about how many years you can live. It’s about how you live the years you are blessed to receive. There are people that pass away in their twenties that “live” far more than someone who lived to be 100 years old. Just read the In Memory section of the CF Warrior Project Book and it is apparent. It’s what you do in your life that matters.

I recently heard from someone whose grandson read “The CF Warrior Project” and was sad to see that someone died in their twenties. The thing is, people, die all the time and unfortunately, some die very young.

It has more to do with what you do in those years that matters. Someone like Claire Wineland spent the majority of her 20 years on this earth dealing with her cystic fibrosis, but during that time she developed a legacy. Even though she is no longer here with us, the work she did before she passed lives on.

Don’t be consumed with the number of years you get and how many times you get to blow out the candles. Instead, focus on how you spend your days here with us and make sure that when you’re gone you lived a memorable and full life whether that’s “long” or not.

None of us get an infinite number…

Live your dreams and love your life.

Andy Lipman